An area located southeast of Japan, between Japan and the Bonin islands, and more exactly in the vicinity of Iwo Jima and Marcus Islands, has been officially declared by the Japanese authorities as a danger zone for shipping. Nine big and modern ships disappeared in this area during only four years between 1950 and 1954. Totally, several hundred crewmen, fishermen and pilots have disappeared in this area so far. The area's name is Dragon's Triangle or Devil's Sea.
The US Air Force has also been concerned about aircraft that have mysteriously disapeared in this region.
Many extensive searches, both from air and by sea, have not revealed anything. No wreakages or oil spills have been found. A Japanese expedition was sent to investigate this mysterious and dangerous place. The Kaio Maru No. 5 - the survey ship - with 22 crewmen and 9 scientists aboard, itself disappeared in 1955...