Thursday, February 14, 2008

Priti's Septicemia is almost cured...she has moved from bed to wheelchair...

Happiness...Priti's TLC count, this morning, has come down below the critical 11,000 mark - it is now 10,700. The blood poisoning seems to have been cured, though we will observe the count for a couple of days more for stability.

Priti is clear that her kidneys have started functioning a bit. The doctors have to confirm. A biopsy is planned.

Yesterday, after three and a half weeks of being in a horizontal position, Priti moved from bed to wheelchair.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Priti is making slow but steady progress...

Priti is making slow but steady progress. Her TLC count had come down to 14,800 three days ago - but then shot up to 16,200 the next day (after dialysis), giving us a bit of a scare. However, it came down to 13,300 the day after, and, this morning, after a very early morning dialysis, has come down further to 12,700. We are within reach of normalcy - which will be indicated by a TLC count of 11,000.

Doctors have discovered a thyroid problem - this could have been the reason for her sluggishness and lethargy and lack of appetite. It is being fact, this morning, Priti is extremely chirpy, God bless her! She is also eating well.

The prayers and wishes of all our friends, relatives and well wishers are working very well...I request you all to keep up the good work. I thank the children and mothers of SOS Children's Villages around the country and my co-workers for their regular prayers for my wife recovery.

Priti's kidneys are showing some movement towards recovery (in terms of urea and cretinine indicators). It is early days yet - but I am convinced that they will recover.

Priti's stay in hospital has been extended. She will not come home this week but, maybe, early next week. The antibiotic treatment will continue until the TLC count stabilises below 11,000. The alternate day dialysis will continue until the kidneys show stronger recovery.

Priti's BP, platelet count and HB count are stable and normal.

Thank you so much for your support. And those who gave blood - thanks again.